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JCDecaux Fosters a Culture of Innovation Through Implementing Bloomflow

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JCDecaux Fosters a Culture of Innovation Through Implementing Bloomflow
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startups monitored on their Bloomflow platform
Innovation culture
empowered by Bloomflow to increase visibility of innovation activities and put in place internal governance
active partnerships managed on their Bloomflow platform
active innovators
Cities & Media

JCDecaux Group is the number one outdoor advertising company worldwide, operating in over 80 countries.

Marie Thiriot
Marie Thiriot
Bloomflow was key to structuring our Open Innovation program at its launch. Our innovators are all onboarded onto the platform and users are able to have a view of the startups we collaborate with and our ongoing projects with an emphasis on delivering our ambitious ESG strategy.

Marie Thiriot / Strategy & User Innovation Projects Director at JCDecaux

The Challenge

  • While structuring their Open Innovation program, they knew they needed the right processes and tools to assess startup ecosystems and closely track initiatives launched with startups

The Solution

  • Drive digital and sustainable transformation
  • Help JCDecaux countries drive synergies
  • Business units can autonomously launch innovation partnerships and projects using their Bloomflow platform
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The Results

startups monitored on their Bloomflow platform
Innovation culture
empowered by Bloomflow to increase visibility of innovation activities and put in place internal governance
active partnerships managed on their Bloomflow platform
active innovators
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