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PARIS, France - Bloomflow, a leading innovation management platform for enterprises, is acquiring Agorize, a globally renowned provider of challenge & idea management solutions.
Together, they offer an AI-powered software suite covering every phase of the innovation process to fuel growth - from sourcing transformative ideas to scaling them globally and leveraging an ecosystem of startups, tech vendors, and academics.
This acquisition blends two decades of combined experience, a portfolio of over 300 corporate and institutional clients across 26 countries - including L’Oréal, Nestle, HSBC, Bayer, Capgemini, Unilever, Jaguar Land Rover, PepsiCo, and the Government of Singapore - and a team of over 100 people in offices in Paris, London, New York, Singapore, Hong Kong and Tokyo.
Founded in 2016 in Paris, Bloomflow emerged as the leader of innovation ecosystem management, empowering corporates to scout and qualify startups and innovative partners, manage innovation portfolios, and gain actionable insights for informed decision-making. With robust growth, Bloomflow has successfully expanded its presence throughout Europe and the US.
Agorize, founded five years earlier, and also in Paris, set the standard for open innovation, connecting corporates and organizations with a global network of 10 million startups, students, developers, and researchers. After raising over $20 million, Agorize successfully scaled its business across Europe and Asia.
Thomas Girard, CEO of Bloomflow said:
“We are thrilled that Agorize is joining Bloomflow. Our visions and people are aligned and laser-focused on executing great synergies. We will benefit from similar and inspiring client bases, gain access to each other’s respective markets, build on each other’s strengths to deploy a solution across all phases of the innovation chain, and bring together two exceptional groups of people, all of whom believe in innovation as a force for good and for growth.”
Yohann Melamed, CEO of Agorize, added:
“Our ambition remains the same, just unified and strengthened: to build the global leader in innovation technology and to empower hundreds of companies to make innovation a real driver of growth, a catalyst for sustainable transformation, and a magnet for talent.”
The new company looks to leverage its competitive advantage and foothold in Europe, Asia, and the US to become the global leader in innovation technology, paving the way for a future where all companies worldwide make innovation a core driver of their business strategy.
Bloomflow develops a SaaS platform that empowers companies to drive innovation by identifying, developing, and deploying new business opportunities to fuel growth.
Agorize helps large companies and institutions transform themselves, thanks to its innovation management software fueled by the ideas of 10 million startups and innovators.
PARIS, Frankreich – Bloomflow, die führende Innovationsmanagement-Plattform für Unternehmen, übernimmt Agorize, einen weltweit anerkannten Anbieter von Lösungen für Ideen- und Innovation-Challenges.
Gemeinsam bieten Bloomflow und Agorize eine umfassende Software-Suite, die alle Phasen des Innovationsprozesses abdeckt und das Unternehmenswachstum beschleunigt: Von der Suche nach wegweisenden Ideen bis zur globalen Umsetzung und der Verwaltung eines Innovationsökosystems aus Start-ups, Technologieanbietern und wissenschaftlichen Partnern.
Diese Übernahme vereint zwei Jahrzehnte Erfahrung, ein Kundenportfolio von über 300 Unternehmen und Institutionen aus 26 Ländern – darunter L'Oréal, Nestlé, Michelin, HSBC, Bayer, BASF, Capgemini, Unilever, Jaguar Land Rover, PepsiCo und die Regierung von Singapur – sowie ein Team von über 100 Mitarbeitern in Büros in Paris, London, New York, Singapur, Hongkong und Tokio.
Bloomflow wurde 2016 in Paris gegründet und hat sich als Marktführer im Bereich des Managements von Innovationsökosystemen etabliert. Die Plattform ermöglicht Unternehmen, relevante Start-ups und innovative Partner zu entdecken und zu bewerten, Innovationsportfolios zu verwalten und dank relevanter Analysen fundierter zu entscheiden. Durch starkes Wachstum hat Bloomflow erfolgreich eine bedeutende Präsenz in Europa geschaffen.
Agorize, bereits fünf Jahre zuvor und ebenfalls in Paris gegründet, hat neue Standards für Open Innovation gesetzt, indem es Unternehmen mit einem globalen Netzwerk von 10 Millionen Start-ups, Studierenden, Entwicklern und Forschern verbindet. Nach einer Kapitalaufnahme von über 20 Millionen Euro konnte Agorize seine Aktivitäten erfolgreich in Europa und Asien ausweiten.
Thomas Girard, CEO von Bloomflow, sagt hierzu:
„Wir freuen uns sehr, dass Agorize Teil der Bloomflow-Familie wird. Unsere Visionen und Teams passen sehr gut zueinander und wir sehen Synergien in vielen Bereichen. Wir profitieren von ähnlichen Kundenportfolios mit innovativen Organisationen in allen Industrien. Agorize und Bloomflow erhalten Zugang zu neuen Märkten. Wir bauen auf unsere Stärken auf, um eine Lösung für alle Phasen des Innovationsprozesses bereitzustellen. Mit Agorize und Bloomflow kommen zwei außergewöhnliche Teams zusammen, die in Innovation eine Kraft für Verbesserung und Wachstum sehen. Ich freue mich sehr auf die gemeinsame Arbeit.“
Yohann Melamed, CEO von Agorize, ergänzt:
„Unsere Ambition bleibt dieselbe, nur vereint und gestärkt: Wir wollen den globalen Marktführer für Innovationstechnologie schaffen und hunderten Unternehmen ermöglichen, Innovation als echten Wachstumstreiber, Katalysator für nachhaltige Transformation und als Magnet für Talente zu nutzen.“
Das neue Unternehmen plant, seinen Wettbewerbsvorteil und seine Standorte in Europa, Asien und Nordamerika zu nutzen, um zum weltweiten Marktführer im Bereich der Innovationstechnologie zu werden und eine Zukunft zu gestalten, in der Innovation für Unternehmen weltweit ein zentraler Bestandteil ihrer Geschäftsstrategie ist.
Bloomflow unterstützt Unternehmen, Innovationen voranzutreiben. Mit Bloomflow identifizieren Organisationen neue und wachstumsfördernde Geschäftsfelder und beschleunigen die Abstimmung und Umsetzung der richtigen Maßnahmen.
Agorize unterstützt große Unternehmen und Institutionen bei ihrer Transformation durch eine Innovationsmanagement-Software, die auf den Ideen von 10 Millionen Start-ups und Innovatoren basiert.
PARIS, France - Bloomflow, plateforme leader de gestion de l'innovation pour les grandes entreprises, annonce l'acquisition d’Agorize, acteur mondialement reconnu des outils de gestion des challenges d’innovation et de la génération d’idées.
Complémentaires, les deux entreprises réunies seront en mesure de proposer une suite logicielle couvrant toutes les étapes du processus d'innovation pour accélérer la croissance des entreprises : de l'identification d'idées transformatrices à leur déploiement à grande échelle, avec l’appui d’un écosystème de partenaires innovants, de startups, de chercheurs, d'universitaires et d’experts.
Cette acquisition combine 20 ans d'expérience, un portefeuille de plus de 300 clients corporate et institutionnels répartis dans 26 pays (dont L’Oréal, Nestlé, HSBC, Bayer, Capgemini, Unilever, Jaguar Land Rover, PepsiCo et le gouvernement de Singapour) et une équipe de plus de 100 collaborateurs basés à Paris, Londres, New York, Singapour, Hong Kong et Tokyo.
Fondée à Paris en 2016, Bloomflow s'est imposée comme le leader de la gestion d’écosystèmes d'innovation, permettant aux grandes entreprises d’identifier et d’évaluer des startups et des partenaires innovants, de gérer leurs portefeuilles d'innovation et de prendre des décisions motivées grâce à des analyses concrètes. Forte de sa croissance rapide, Bloomflow a étendu sa présence en Europe et aux États-Unis.
De son côté, Agorize, fondée cinq ans plus tôt également à Paris, a redéfini les standards de l'innovation ouverte en connectant entreprises et organisations à un réseau mondial de 10 millions de startups, étudiants, développeurs et chercheurs. Après avoir levé plus de 20 millions de dollars, Agorize s'est solidement implantée en Europe et en Asie.
La gestion de l'innovation dans les grandes entreprises, particulièrement en Europe, constitue un enjeu stratégique plus que jamais essentiel. Ces entreprises peinent souvent à transformer leurs initiatives innovantes en solutions concrètes et exploitables. Selon le rapport du Conseil de l'innovation intitulé Faire de la France une économie de rupture technologique, entre 2006 et 2018, 64 % des entreprises françaises, pourtant leaders dans leur secteur, ont perdu du terrain dans la hiérarchie mondiale. Ce recul s'explique en partie par des processus internes rigides et une faible adoption des technologies de rupture
Thomas Girard, DG de Bloomflow :
« Nous sommes ravis d’accueillir Agorize au sein de Bloomflow. Nos visions et nos équipes sont parfaitement alignées pour créer de puissantes synergies. Ensemble, nous pourrons tirer parti de nos bases clients respectives, élargir notre accès aux marchés, et offrir une solution couvrant toutes les phases de la chaîne d'innovation. Ce rapprochement est aussi une opportunité unique de réunir des équipes exceptionnelles partageant une même conviction : l'innovation est une force de transformation positive et un levier de croissance. »
Yohann Melamed, DG d’Agorize :
« Notre ambition reste inchangée, mais elle est désormais unifiée et renforcée : bâtir le leader mondial des technologies d’innovation, et accompagner des centaines d’entreprises dans leur transformation durable, en faisant de l’innovation un moteur de croissance et un attracteur de talents. »
Bloomflow : Plateforme de gestion d'écosystèmes d'innovation permettant aux grandes entreprises de découvrir, qualifier et collaborer avec des partenaires innovants.
Agorize : Solution de gestion de l’innovation aidant les grandes entreprises et institutions à se transformer grâce aux idées issues d’un réseau de 10 millions d’innovateurs.
Our mission is to empower users by providing them with the knowledge and tools necessary to optimize the usage of their innovation management platform. Through our shared expertise, we offer essential strategies to not only boost user engagement and satisfaction, but also establish effective governance for driving adoption within your organization.
In this infographic, we will explore the key steps you can take to unleash the full potential of Bloomflow and achieve tangible business results. Join us on this journey to harness the power of our platform and propel your organization forward.
Ready to unleash the full power of your innovation management platform? At Bloomflow, we've gathered tried-and-tested tips from various customer examples to help you create a highly effective onboarding experience for numerous users. By implementing these strategies, you can ensure that every user gets off to a great start and maximizes the benefits of the platform.
Let's dive in and discover how you can optimize your onboarding process for success.
Paris – Bloomflow is proud to announce the launch of its Idea Management solution, designed to maximize user adoption and engagement among employees and to transform qualified ideas into promising innovation projects.
In today's fast-paced business environment, large enterprises face the challenge of constant transformation. Merely relying on a top-down strategy won’t cut it: teams need to be empowered to fuel this strategy with their in the field knowledge and then actually make it happen.
The need for effective idea generation and management tools that put teams and the user experience at the core has never been greater. Today, many organizations struggle with low user engagement and the challenge of having a long list of ideas and no action afterwards.
Recognizing these pain points, Bloomflow launched its brand-new Idea Management module– the first user-centric solution specifically designed to guide ideas from inception to execution.
Hear from Unilever, a new client who recently added Bloomflow Idea Management to their platform:
Be among the first to experience the power of Bloomflow Idea Management by joining our Early Adopter program. As we continue to innovate and enhance our platform, Early Adopters will have the opportunity to shape the future of Bloomflow and influence upcoming features and functionalities.
Have you ever failed to launch a new innovation project because of the lack of alignment with a startup partner? Or maybe, you didn’t hit your business objectives and saw less-than desirable results.
Let’s talk about why this happens and how you could put an end to it.
One of many paradoxes in the business world is the desire of corporations to work with startups and incorporate their culture, meanwhile encouraging (or even unconsciously pressuring) startups to assimilate with the corporation mindset.
For corporations, collaborating with startups is worth the investment as these partnerships bring a range of opportunities. They can gain insights into emerging trends and quickly respond to changes in the market while gaining a competitive edge. Cost savings, risk mitigation, and brand enhancement among other factors is what makes this type of partnership so attractive.
Startups are agile making them a natural partner in innovation for corporations on a mission. However, there are two inherent differences that can potentially pose a set of challenges - culture and organizational structure.
They also often bring a fresh perspective that can shake up corporate tried-and-trusted processes. When corporations push their structures onto the smaller teams at startups - the paradox occurs.
Open innovation is when organizations collaborate and seek ideas from outside sources instead of relying solely on their own knowledge and resources.
And with digitalization only accelerating, it makes sense why more and more corporations are looking outward to help them keep up.
While Bloomflow fosters corporation-startup partnerships, we are also a startup ourselves and have the pleasure to work with large enterprises. We know the startup world.
And in our experience we’ve identified five key aspects of the corporate-startup partnership that both parties should pay close attention to.
In this type of partnership, there is often no defined process or governance, which leads to ineffective communication as well as security risks.
Startups are small and flexible giving them the benefit of agility but the downfall of resource management. They do not have the same resources, time, or team to match the corporation's structure and expectations. So as the bigger player in the game, it is important for corporations to stay involved in the project, specifically, in the organizational aspect.
Both sides should take the time to establish clear communication channels and specific procedures. As a corporation representative, do not be afraid to take the lead and send those calendar invites, follow ups, or appoint team members responsible for overseeing the processes.
There will come a time when challenges must be faced, and having effective communication will ensure partners will be able to work through them efficiently.
It's complex to keep track of what everyone is doing, but when engaging with externals, we need to ensure best practices
In a survey conducted by Economist Impact, 5 main open innovation adoption practices were observed in advanced and emerging organizations:
When establishing communication, selecting and adopting practices that work well for both partners is the backbone of your collaboration.
A sure way to dissolve a partnership is by losing trust and as with any other partner, the startup needs to get the full picture.
As mentioned previously, their main characteristic is their agility to adapt and sharpen their solution if the organization's expectations are clear.
Aim to instill trust in your partnerships and establish a full transparency policy that covers all elements of the collaboration - goals, timelines, intentions, contracts, procedures, etc.
Do this at the start of collaboration so your outcome visions are aligned and success at scale is not jeopardized by lack of transparency.
You need to understand that startups do not have the same guidelines and security measurements as a big corporation. Not all will have information security and privacy protection.
So it is up to you to create an ongoing stream of information exchange and ensure security policies are set in place. Share more than the minimum information required so you can discover insights or find innovation gaps.
Innovation gaps are cases in which a business has a need to evolve but lacks the resources to do so. Discovering these gaps with your startup partners represents a great opportunity to close them through meaningful innovation.
Keep in mind the "paradox of openness" described by Laursen and Salter as it poses a challenge in collaborations with startups. The difficulty lies in creating an environment that fosters innovation without giving away too much to competitors. Firms that don't embrace external knowledge could miss innovation opportunities while those that share too much may lose their edge to competitors.
It's about finding the right balance between seeking external knowledge to fuel innovation, while also safeguarding your own expertise.
Frustration and complications arise when there’s not a clear understanding of your partner’s differences from your own organization.
Remember, your organization or the startup is not trying to adopt each other’s mindset. That will not happen and that is also not the goal of this collaboration. It is a partnership that is mutually beneficial because of those inherent disparities.
Tobias Henz, an expert in bringing corporations and startups together mentions that “Just openly acknowledging that there may be problems in working together due to different cultures, methodologies, and philosophies and committing to working them out can drive partner satisfaction up by 30 percent.”
Both parties need to take the time to familiarize themselves with their partners’ procedures. Establish a common approach to ensure both are working in the most effective and efficient way possible.
Be careful to not impose too many of your own methods and processes. Don’t forget, the key advantage of working with startups is their agility and learning how and why they do things differently.
In a McKinsey interview, discussing main obstacles faced in corporate-startup partnerships, Miao Wang, leader of McKinsey’s innovation practice, states that one pitfall “ lack of strategic clarity about what you are trying to accomplish. Many corporations know they need to innovate, and know the technology trends, but have not translated that into what they practically need to do and therefore how they can leverage the external ecosystem to help them accomplish their objectives.”
A strong foundation needs to be set for the partnership to create impact. This should be done by setting clear goals and achievable key performance metrics to get the most value out of the collaboration.
For us at EIT Food, the most important step is clearly understanding the corporate’s strategic objectives, and then working backwards from there to identify the right innovations/startups and increase the chances of a successful outcome.
Again, many startups don’t have the capabilities to mount large and expensive projects. Therefore, both partners will need to be frank about what is possible and what is not. Keep this in mind while discussing future projects that way the desired outcome is realistic and aligned with business objectives
The goals set should be mutually beneficial. Yes, the corporation will have needs, but the startup should also be benefiting from this partnership (in more ways than just monetary).
Remember to find a balance between learning from the innovative startup and leveraging corporate strengths. With effective communication, information sharing, and understanding you embrace the best of both worlds, and pave the way to success and sustainable growth.
Meet Yossi Feinberg, professor at Stanford Business School specializing in entrepreneurship. He’s the director of the executive program Driving Innovation and New Ventures for Established Organizations and co-director of an online digital transformation program.
We sat down with Professor Feinberg to gather his insights from more than 25 years of working with executives to drive innovation. Watch the video for the highlights, or read on for more insights!
This conversation has been edited for length and clarity
There's a sense of urgency that I haven't seen in the last five or six years. I think that urgency is coming from the fact that the world is actually changing fast.
Consumers expect things to be faster and newer. They find it easier to switch between technologies or between offerings, which is true also for business customers.
On the other hand, there's also higher expectations for more sustainable products. And at the same time, every industry and every company is under pressure, either from existing rivals or from disruption, because there are many more startups who are now attacking almost every industry.
One of the things that we see companies do is react by reorganizing how work is done. An example is companies actually start to organize by product, and they push decision making closer to where the product is created. For example, companies may have product managers who then are in charge of pushing innovation in their own product domains. This brings the customer voice into the process of innovation to provide products faster, and which have a better product market fit
Another example is companies moving to a digital transformation approach where they're trying to digitize the business, create more opportunities and innovation through new business models or through applications of digital technologies.
But unfortunately, what we see from research out there is that many of these approaches are highly challenging to execute. For example, there are surveys that claim that digital transformation projects fail at the rate of 80% or even higher. And the real problem is that once you try something innovative in an organization and it fails, it becomes much more difficult. The organization naturally resists innovation, and people are a little bit jaded when you try to innovate again.
The first thing I tell them is that there's no recipe. There's no one magic formula that you can just execute innovation in every organization and be successful. If we had that, you would have seen it already.
The second thing I tell them is that there is a special recipe for their organization. There are actually insights and tools that help each individual organization find its way into successful innovation.
So usually, the starting point is identifying the types of innovation that your organization wants to pursue. And with that, you have to start thinking about where will the ideation happen? Where will the best ideas happen? Sometimes it's inside the organization, sometimes it's outside the organization.
Next, you need to evaluate those ideas.
And obviously, the most important thing is then executing on those innovations. And executing on those innovations means deciding on what organizational model will execute those innovations. Do you want to incubate ideas? Do you want to work with startups? Do you want a corporate venture capital app? Do you want a portfolio of all these things? There are many ways for a company to actually go after those innovative new projects and you have to make your decision on building those.
But there are two things that are fundamental as you start thinking about all these elements of identifying, generating, evaluating, executing, and growing those innovative new projects. And those two things are the following. One is the information flow in your organization. How does information flow to the people who drive innovation? And the second part, and maybe the most fundamental part, is your organizational culture.
Well, when you go into almost every large company and you ask leaders, “What's the innovation that's happening in your organization?” It's rarely the case that they have a complete map of every innovation that's happening in the organization.
Information flow is dynamic and important from that perspective. But it's not only inside the organization. There's all the information that needs to come from outside the organization whether it's startups, whether it is new technologies that are coming in, maybe trends with consumers or your customers or things on the supply chain. There's always a changing world in which information is crucial when it comes to innovating in your organization.
But why is this information so crucial? It's because the people who are making those decisions at the innovation level, at the startup level, inside the large organization, they're facing a lot of uncertainty and ambiguity. So having this information and knowing what's going on elsewhere in the organization and outside in the world of the startups or the new technologies or the trends, that is crucial for being able to execute better on innovation projects.
For example, having information on trends or competing startups could be a crucial tool in deciding whether a project is a go or a no-go, whether one project should get more resources than another project, or move faster because this is how we're going to win. Those decisions can help us figure out where to put our resources. And in some cases, what do we need to shut down and prevent having those “walking dead” projects in our organization?
This challenge has been around for decades; many have researched it and written about it. But we have to remember that organizational culture starts with people. And when we think about the people who are going to drive innovation in the organization and think about what they need.
They not only need assets and best practices and guidance and support, they also need a community. And they also need support from others in the organization. It's not enough to think about culture as an isolated thing for a group of people who are driving innovation. It's much more important to think about it holistically for all of the organization.
The nice thing here is that it actually connects to the previous challenge that we talked about, which is information flow. The same notion of a network, of a connection between people that transfers information, can also help innovators find people who will support them.
It also helps people find opportunities to engage and support and participate in new projects. This helps transfer attitudes and create shared values that will change people's eventual behavior and their underlying assumptions that will lead them to be more innovative personally. That is how to foster a culture of innovation throughout the organization.
I'm a strong believer that technology can enable and support innovation in large organizations. The main reason is that it's not technology for the sake of technology, but technology can help us with this information flow problem that we have.
It can also be a tool that creates a community. So it helps us with transferring those values that eventually translate into this culture of innovation. More importantly, with technology you can make sure that you have best practices, that you're anchored in the business values that innovation can create, and that you can implement better decision making. And in many cases, technology is what helps you to scale whatever solutions you come up with. And that's an extremely powerful tool.
In today's fast-paced business landscape, staying ahead requires constant scouting both online and off. With Bloomflow’s new Scouting Extension, check if a partner is already in your portfolio or add them in a click without ever leaving your tab.
Try the beta, free for a limited time on Chrome or Edge.
When scouting on LinkedIn, Crunchbase, and PitchBook, consult your Bloomflow portfolios instantly. No more manual entries. Just scouting.
The extension automatically extracts relevant details about the organization, helping you avoid manual data entry. This streamlined process not only saves your valuable time but also eliminates the potential for errors, ensuring accuracy in your portfolios.
Prevent duplicate entries, thereby safeguarding the integrity of your data. If the organization already exists in your Bloomflow platform, you’ll know in a single click.
Innovators can use this tool to spend more time scouting, and less time manually entering data.
If you're interested in learning more about this feature and how it can benefit your business, reach out to our team.
Do you collaborate with external partners to co-create new value? Then be sure to check out Capgemini’s latest report The power of open minds: How open innovation offers benefits for all.
The report surveyed more than 1,000 large organizations to find that:
However, most organizations have been unable to tap into the full potential of open innovation. Among the recommendations made by Capgemini is to adopt technology enablers to manage and coordinate open innovation initiatives. Thomas Girard, Bloomflow CEO & cofounder, explains in the report how “Innovation management platforms serve as a catalyst for an open innovation strategy, helping align organizations and their partners while uncovering valuable pain points.”
Unlocking the power of data is crucial to transforming open innovation processes. The ability to easily extract insights on project success rates with specific partners is key to improving open innovation outcomes. Innovation management platforms serve as a catalyst for an open innovation strategy, helping align organizations and their partners while uncovering valuable pain points
For more in-depth information on the challenges and solutions of effective open innovation, check out the full report here.
In its 10th edition, Hub Berlin drew over 5,000 attendees including entrepreneurs, C-level executives, investors, and technology enthusiasts, who were brought together to discuss the digital future throughout this two day event.
Among the many great ideas presented by the exhibitors, some of them particularly caught our attention:
The brand shared its commitment to the circular economy and recycling initiatives and shared examples of resource reuse. One of these allows smartphone owners to look for old cell phones at home and to bring them to the Telekom Magenta shop. The repurchase value of the returned cell phones is donated and has enabled the planting of approximately 4000 trees in 2022 alone.
Hub Berlin is renowned for its innovation and creativity with a significant portion of the event dedicated to digital art. Yamaha’s experimentation was one of the elements and our team had an interesting opportunity to participate in an installation that captured the essence of Kando.
Kando is a Japanese word for simultaneous feelings of deep satisfaction and intense excitement that are experienced when we encounter something of exceptional value. The installation was a game that allowed two players to experience Kando at the same time, through non-verbal and intuitive communication between each other.
Established in 2018, Neue Fische has been at the forefront of training career changers through short-format boot camps, equipping them with the skills needed in the IT industry and connecting with exciting employers. It also helps identify talent within the existing workforce in order to further qualify them for IT professions with a future.
We attended a roundtable discussion on the competitive advantage of AI for enterprises. Featuring perspectives from corporates, politicians, and scale-ups, the roundtable highlighted that Europe has the data to be strong player in this field provided these players can effectively collaborate together. The AI revolution will continue to impact markets and corporations across sectors are keen to explore how it can be used to their advantage. Hence the need for more collaboration with tech ecosystems.
The discussion featured Christine Wang from Lufthansa Innovation Hub, Anna Christmann for the Digital Economy and Startups at Bundestag, and Christopher Kränzler from Lengoo.
At the event, we had the pleasure of witnessing the profound impact of the Bloomflow platform in driving innovation to the market. As a company dedicated to fostering innovation ecosystems, we gained valuable insights into the challenges faced by German innovators.
It was inspiring to see how our platform plays a role in bringing innovation to the market as well as collaborating IRL with several German companies and corporate innovators such as Hella and BASF. This experience furthered our understanding of their needs and allowed us to forge partnerships with industry leaders, expanding our network and sharing knowledge.
Hub Berlin's location added to the excitement of the event. It took place in an unconventional setting that combined art, yoga, a biergarten, and even a nightclub creating an overall vibrant atmosphere for participants to network. This unique combination of elements is typical for a tech conference in Berlin as it conveys the city’s spirit.
Being physically present in our strategic markets is a top priority for us, and this event provided a great opportunity to do so. We had the privilege of meeting current customers, partners, and key stakeholders in the German innovation field, including organizations like the Fraunhofer Institute and SAP. These interactions hold potential for exciting innovation opportunities, fueling our commitment to making a lasting impact in the market.
Follow us on LinkedIn to see which event we'll be at next!
In the ever-evolving digital and tech worlds, enterprises are frequently confronted with security threats that put the organisation's privacy and information at risk.
As a company driven by innovation, we acknowledge the critical role of data security in providing our clients with a trusted environment where they can explore new opportunities and transformative solutions. Therefore, our aspiration is to achieve nothing less than excellence with full accountability for upholding the highest security standards for both ourselves and our clients.
With this commitment in mind, we are pleased to announce that Bloomflow has obtained ISO 27001 and 27701 certifications!
These accredited certifications are globally acknowledged as the benchmark for information security and privacy management systems, serving as a testament to a company's commitment to best practices, industry standards, and regulatory requirements.
ISO 27001 focuses on the implementation and maintenance of Information Security Management Systems (ISMS), while ISO 27701 extends it to include requirements for a Privacy Information Management System (PIMS).
In practical terms, these certifications confirm that Bloomflow adheres to best practices, industry standards, and regulatory requirements by implementing optimal security and guarantee:
Obtaining ISO certifications is challenging as it assesses security protocols, risk management practices, data protection measures, and regulation compliance of a company. This lengthy process involves an independent certification body to conduct a comprehensive audit of all systems and processes. We choose to do this in the most complete way possible, by certifying the entire company (not only our product) and by choosing of the most serious certification bodies, International Organization for Standardization, AFNOR.
We understand that a reliable environment is at the foundation of successful innovation. These certifications are a confirmation that our clients data is protected to the highest privacy and security standards:
Looking ahead, Bloomflow is committed to maintaining its trajectory of secure innovation and raising the bar even higher. With the attainment of ISO 27001 and 27701 certifications, we have laid a solid foundation for data security and privacy management.
To ensure ongoing excellence, external auditors will conduct annual evaluations of our management system, while a comprehensive audit will be undertaken every three years. This marks just the beginning of our journey.
We remain committed to fostering innovation, including advancements in AI, while prioritising the privacy of our customers' data. Visit our Trust Center for more information.
Let Bloomflow focus on security while you innovate with confidence!